Despre mine
EXHIBITD este o colectie de imagini, ganduri, informatii care ma inspira si pe care am vrut sa le impart cu voi toti.
Eu sunt Daria: arhitect, designer, fotograf, turist, bucatar (uneori), blogger (mai nou) si intotdeauna iubitoare de frumos… si de cafea. Imi impart timpul intre Bucuresti si Ploiesti, imi place sa fac liste, imi place sa organizez lucrurile, nu ma pricep deloc la gradinarit si folosesc excesiv “whatsapp”.
Gandul de a incepe un blog a incoltit acum mai mult de 4 ani, dar facultatea, masterul si apoi lucrul ca arhitect nu mi-au lasat prea mult timp liber. Totusi, pentru lucrurile pe care le iubesti trebuie sa iti faci timp, asa ca am pornit la drum…
Amenajarile interioare au fost intotdeauna cel mai aproape de sufletul meu si, pentru ca recent m-am orientat spre ele si profesional, blogul meu aduna, ca un album, spatii si obiecte din care culeg un strop de inspiratie.
Din cand in cand o sa va impartasesc si cate o povestioara despre experimentele mele culinare sau locurile unde am trait clipe minunate, sau o sa invit pe cineva apropiat sa isi scrie propria poveste.
EXHIBITD is a collection of images, thoughts, information that inspires me and that I wanted to share with you all.
I’m Daria: architect, designer, photographer, tourist, cook (sometimes), blogger (recently) and always a lover of fine things… and coffee. I divide my time between two cities, Bucharest and Ploiesti, I love making lists, I love organising things, I am absolutely no good at gardening and my use of “whatsapp” is excessive.
The thought of starting a blog bloomed in my mind more than 4 years ago, but university, a masters and then work as an architect didn’t leave much spare time. Still, you have to make time for the things you love, so here I am…
Interior design has always been close to my heart and now that I have started to undertake such projects professionally, this blog collects spaces and objects that I draw inspiration from.
Occasionally, I will share a story about my cooking experiences or the places I travel to, or I will invite a friend to share their own story.